Sexual XXXXX!
Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
Rakuen (Inori Negai)
Brand-New Lover
Angelic Conversation
Chikashitsu No Melody
Just One More Kiss
Sexual XXXXX!
Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
Rakuen (Inori Negai)
Brand-New Lover
Angelic Conversation
Chikashitsu No Melody
Just One More Kiss
There's a total of 8 parts. You'll need to join them with hj split to view the file. Get hj split from
hola, sabes hay un problema con warp days...el archivo 4 y 8 estan repetidos 4 corresponde al 3/arch 3 esta correcto
archivo 8 dice arch 7 y el 7 ta bem
espero q puedas solucionarlo y gracias x tus aportes!..
Sip! Sorry! Gracias por avisar. Ya lo arreglo! Pero este live no es el warp days T_T! Es el Day In Question 2002!
Ya arreglé el problemita! Gracias por tu comentario! Es un placer compartir ^_^!
What happened to the English translation page? I think it was your blog that had many BT song translations. I can't find them now!
I have a link to a page called "This is not the greatest site". It's placed in the right side! There you can find the best translatios, romaji, original language lyrics and much more! I totally recommend this site!
You're right. It was supposed to be This is not the Greatest Site that I was supposed to be looking for. I remembered wrong. I thought it was your site. Anyhow, your blog is nice.
Hello there!
Just wanted to thank you for sharing this. I was desperate to find footage of the DIQ 2002.
Your blog is awesome! I think i just found my new addiction ^_^... keep on with the wonderful work you're doing here, it's very appreciated!
Thank you Silvia ^_^! I will keep uploading!
Here i go again... I was thinking i'd love to upload this gig on Youtube, and it occurred to me that maybe i should ask you first... So, do you think it's ok? I'll credit you and i'll link your blog back, of course.
Sure thing ^_^! And you can add me as a friend at youtube too. Check out my links to go to my youtube channel.
And BTW, I recommend you to join livejournal! There you can find really nice people to talk about BT and you can find sharing communities too. I have some links from the communities I joined. (Check out the links at my blog).
Actually i've been wandering around LJ a while now, but i've been way too lazy to create an account and a blog... i think i'll follow your advice from now on.
See you there!
Thank you very much, you can't find this anywhere else. Keep uploading these hard to find lives.
You're welcome! I know how hard is to find BT stuff, that's why I like sharing ^^ and I'll keep doing it anytime I have the chance! ;-)
Thanks for this DIQ. I like it. I was looking for it for a long time.)))) Could you also upload DIQ 2008? I've heard a lot about it.
Sure! I have it queued! I will upload it after the "Picture Product" DVD's and "One life, One Death, Cut Up" live (avi format).
There is a little problem in the DIQ2008 video I have. It was recorded from a satellite channel and the broadcast had some kind of problem...the broadcast stop for a few seconds around the song romance, between min 00:45:05 to 00:45:10.
I will upload it in HQ VOB format and in ripped avi format, both in the same post.
yup,yup,yup. "Picture Product" and DIQ2008!!!!!!!!!! I can't belive. I'll be really happy, when you'll upload that lives.
Hehehe! ^__^ I got really happy when I got them too :P
Hola hola!! Lokiseto no mas te quiero decir que tanto te amo por todas las cosas que tienes en tu blog. Tu amor por BT me engranda, ni te lo puedo describir, es muy bello :D Muchas gracias por ser tan generosa en compartir todos estos DVD's y mas. No sabes como me has salvado la vida hehe xD me gusta mucho BT pero me esta costando tanto comprar sus productos. No me voy a dar por vencida, voy a conseguirlos pero por ahorita tus links me tenien con vida haha. Mucho mucho amor y muchas gracias!!!
Hola slayerizedcarol! Muchas gracias por tu comentario! ^^ De verdad me alegra mucho que disfrutes todos estos videos hermosos tanto como los disfruto yo. Adoro compartir. ^^
La verdad es que se lo difícil y costoso que es obtener los originales, especialmente para fans fuera de Japón :S, por eso comparto acá en el blog y además con la intención de dar a conocer, crear más fans y compartir el amor por esta gradiosa banda!
Claro está que en lo que se tenga la oportunidad, apoyarlos comprando los originales. ^^
De nuevo agradezco tu alentador comentario ^^. Continuaré subiendo cositas mientras se pueda ;-)
Thank you so much! I recently lost some of my beloved B-T files and have been missing the DIQs desperately. So happy to find this one again. Also SOOO happy to see that you will be putting up DIQ 2008!! I've been wanting to see the whole thing so badly. Thank you!!!
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