ENJOY ^_^!
Click here to watch the interview
Min: 0:01 to 0:38
"Acchan: Long time no see! We are Buck-Tick!
Q: What did you do during your free time?
Acchan: I had some ideas to do during half year! Eh..! Well... I did the things I like. When I had the time I thought about what I wanted to do. I read a book I like. Watched videos. I went to the movie theater... I went to the movie theater alone... hehe ^///^... it's the true. Well, everyday I drank the sake I like."
Min: 0:39 to 1:22
(The question is about what has shocked him the most…or something like that ^_^)
Toll: Well. I got a congratulation card for my wedding. Well ^_^ I can’t help being the older, but I'm still single. I'm available ^_^ if someone is interested do your best ^_^!!!" I would like to marry a wealthy woman!
“Hidehiko: During my free time I had a good rest… uhuhu ^///^.
Imai: Eh!... I slept a lot!”
Min: 1:23 to 1:49
Q: What can you tell us about the concert?
Toll: Please buy the tickets... come to play!!!
Q: What can you tell us about the album?
Acchan: We all are satisfied about the sound. The sound of the two guitars is great, the sound of the bass is excellent, the drummer has a great rhythm and…
Toll: …The vocal is great too!!! ^_^
Acchan: Yep ^_^!... Is excellent* (*about the sound of the band). Please listen to the album.
Min: 1:50 to 2:22
Q: What can you tell us about the album?
U-Ta: The album Aku No Hana (Flowers of evil) is great!... This is the best we have done... how to say it? We feel really identify with what we did! Please listen to the album.
Toll: Next time come to play to the stadium. This year Buck-Tick will wait for your support!
Acchan: Come to have fun to the stadium the day of the concert. See you soon!
I posted comments to this video with the translation but they have a lot of mistakes and it's not complete. This is the complete translation.
Gracias por la información que ofreces, muchas de las cosas las tenía o conocía, pero sin duda es agradable entrar en un lugar como este.
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